Provider ECM NOEMA
This meeting aims to provide a framework for a multidisciplinary approach in the management of common neonatal cardiac emergencies and reinforce key case-based educational pearls.
It is tailored to pediatric cardiac surgeons, neonatologists, pediatric cardiologists, anesthesiologists, gynecologists, perfusionists, trainees, advanced practice practitioners, intensive care nurses.
Summer Talks 2025
• Fetal cardiology
• Premature newborns with congenital cardiac defects: special care required
• Emergencies in neonates with congenital cardiac defects
• Advanced neonatal airways management
• Heart and Beyond: the complex cardiac neonate with other major malformations
• Cardiac failure
• Pulmonary hypertension
Perfusion Valley in Summer Talks 2025
Summer Talks it’s an international meeting that takes place in Bologna with the intention to reunite the most important experts of diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects. It also tend to encourage discussions and exchanges on good practices and methodologies for the benefit of this field.
But this is not all, Summer Talks is much more. Bologna is located in a specific region of Italy, called Emilia Romagna. From this land, are produced most of the tecnologies for the extracorporeal circulation.
“Perfusion Valley 2025” in the Summer Talks, it’s a new international initiative. It will facilitate the perfusionist from all over the world to have the opportunity to discuss on a very complex theme, such as the emergency management of newborns with congenital heart disease
All the companies that works in the sector of perfusion or in particular in this “Valley”, will be asked to present their technology and their history, in order to participate in highly specialized sessions. Furthermore, they will take part of the “perfusion round tables” with perfusionists and doctors.
• Management of newborns with congenital cardiac difect: low birth weight and preterm babies, special skills
• Selective organ perfusion
• ECMO team
Nurse training in Summer Talks 2025
• Point of care ultrasound in the NICU
Dott.ssa Emanuela Angeli – Prof. Gaetano D. Gargiulo
Pedriatric and Grown-up Congenital Cardiac Surgery Unit
IRCSS Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Bologna – Italy
Prof.ssa Emanuela Angeli
Pediatric and Grown-up Congenital Cardiac Surgery
Unit IRCSS Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Bologna – Italy
Prof. Gaetano D. Gargiulo
Chief of Pediatric and Grown-up Congenital Cardiac Surgery
Unit IRCSS Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Bologna – Italy
Full Professor of the Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty
Medicine Università di Bologna – Italy
Royal Hotel Carlton
Via Montebello, 8
40121 Bologna – Italy
The Hotel is in the centre of Bologna near railway station and just a short walk from Piazza Maggiore and the Two Towers.
The official language of the Meeting is English.
It is possible to make an online reservation at meeting website.
A number of rooms have been booked for Meeting participants.