Quality certifications
In 2011 NOEMA obtained the certification in the System for Quality Management according to the law UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 for the application of the System “Services providing in Italy and abroad regarding the activity of public relations and marketing, organization and management of congresses, exhibitions, fairs similar events in cultural, show , tourism and economy contest. Continuing medical education .”, Sections 35 and 37 (Other services and Education respectively).
Noema has obtained EN ISO 10014:2007 – Guidelines for obtaining financial and economic benefits – Certification, based on ISO 9001 standards. The evaluation according the above mentioned standards has been supplied and is documented according to the ISOEN Certification procedures for the following fields of activity: consulting, organization, communication and services management.

After obtaining ethical charter certification, Noema is MedTech Europe Trusted Partner. MedTech is the European trade association representing the medical technology industries, from diagnosis to cure. It represents Diagnostics and Medical Devices manufacturers operating in Europe.
We support companies in the management of sponsorship for educational grants following the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice (http://www.medtecheurope.org)
The new Code of Ethical Business Practice apply to MedTech Europe Member Companies in their interactions with Healthcare Professionals (http://www.medtecheurope.org) and it introduces significant changes. Under the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice (the “Code”), Member Companies are not permitted to pay registration fees, travel or hospitality expenses directly to individual Healthcare Professionals for their participation in educational conferences organized by third-parties as of 1st January, 2018.
Member companies can provide funds to a Professional Conference Organizer who invites Healthcare Organizations to select the HCPs who will benefit from the Educational Grant